Julie H
What is your name?
Julie Hoover
What is your hometown?
Durham, NC
What profession would you not like to do?
I had some weird jobs growing up so I think that I could make it through just about anything that paid me enough. I really can't handle anything vaguely biologic, though. Well, plants are ok. I'd like to be a gardener or a florist. That'd be fine. But all of the medical professions? No way. You can keep your blood in your body, ok? I don't do well with blood, poop or barf. Even the onomatopoeia sounds associated with bodily functions can turn my stomach.
My husband cut off his thumb this year and they reattached it. The surgeons would come in and tell me about the procedure and explain the anatomical details of the damage and the room would spin. My husband was telling a nurse about a nerve that ended up on the outside of his hand and I had to leave the room. So, yeah, Doctor, nurse....dentist....I would never want to do any of those.
Tell me an interesting fact about your past.
When I was in high school I ran long distance track. I was horrible at it and competed in only one track meet before switching to field events. However, my foray into organized running was not without superlatives. One of my fellow runners stopped me one day, looked me up and down and said, "You're the whitest white girl I've ever seen." I can't argue with that. In my defense it was spring in Kentucky and it was highly likely that there was still some snow on the ground. Once I spent two months living outside in the desert. I returned home the tannest I've ever been in my life. That is to say that I was kind of a pinky brown color. I was the kind of color that a paint store would refer to as, "dusty rose."
What one thing would you like to change about your life?
I'd like to become a famous blogger. Soon.
What is the best thing about you?
I'm awesome? Seriously, I have no idea how to answer this question. While it's maybe not the /best/ thing about me people often comment on my high level of sassiness. "You're so sassy," they say to me in awe. I feel like if a lady wearing a purple velvet track suit with matching two inch fingernails tells you that you're sassy that it's probably:
a) a compliment
b) true.
My role model in life is Miss Piggy so you have to expect that I'm going to get the job done and I'm going to do it with flair. Got a project that needs doing? An event planned? A charity that needs funds? Stick with me, kid and you'll be ok but otherwise it's a good idea to just stay out of my way.
Do you think animals have feelings?
Oh, totally. I think inanimate objects have feelings. I have a quilt on my bed that I've had since I was two that my husband isn't allowed to touch. Growing up with had this Baby Jesus in our nativity that had melted one year and consequently was all smush faced and weird. I wouldn't let my mom throw it out. You can't throw out the Baby Jesus! She replaced it one year with a new, sturdy plastic Baby Jesus and we ended up with twin Baby Jesi in the manager.
So, of course I believe animals have feelings. I can't really understand people who don't think that they do. Those people must never have had pets. My cats have personality. My dog has emotions. It's so clear to me. When people say they don't think that animals have feelings I feel like they've just told me that they don't think cars are real. How can you ignore something so prevalent?
Julie is one of the contributors here on http://www.letsblogaboutyou.com, Thanks to Julie for her great, sassy, comments. I really like the phrase "Baby Jesi", i'm going to add that to my available vocab this week.