Dear Geologist,
How do you get glitter nail polish off. That sh!t is a b!tch.
Glittery in Galveston
So the holidays are officially over, you're back at work and it's time to take off the Rainbow Connection Muppet glitter nail polish that you've been sporting all break. I know it, dawg. It's just time.
I <3 glitter nail polish but I hate scrubbing that ish off when it gets all chippy. I can never seem to MAKE it chip on purpose. So I asked the all knowing interwebs and apparently a bunch of girls already knew how to do this and didn't tell me. It's really simple. You just need to make some some Dr. Claw fingers.
Take some cotton balls/squares/boles and soak them in nail polish removal. Place the wet cotton thingy on your nail and wrap your finger in foil. Try to be patient. Wait as long as you can and then twist it off until voila glitter free nails!! If you need to scrub a lil go ahead and do it.
this works awesomely. and it works best if you're using acetone and not the regular nail polish remover. i just did this the other day to remove gel nails.
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